How Can I Know It’s Fixed? When you think you have enabled cookies for this site, refresh the page and this message should disappear. You can choose to enable all cookies, enable only first party cookies, or add an exception to allow cookies from. Look for an 'options', 'settings', or 'tools' selection on your browser, or perform a web search for how to do it for your specific browser. How Can I Enable First Party Cookies? It varies from browser to browser. A small percent of web users choose to disable cookies since some cookies (especially third-party cookies) are used by advertisers to track browsing behavior on other websites. You can still view puzzles without cookies enabled. My Word Search uses a session cookie to remember you as you browse the website, so that new puzzles you create are added to your account, so you can access them later. What Are Cookies? Cookies are tiny pieces of information that your browser adds to a special folder on your computer to let certain websites recognize you as you move from page to page within the website, most commonly used to remember login or shopping cart info. First party cookies are currently disabled on your browser. If you still see this message after refreshing the page, JavaScript is still disabled.ĪLERT: First party cookies are required to create puzzles on My Word Search. How Can I Know It’s Fixed? When you think you have enabled JavaScript, refresh the page and this message should disappear. How Can I Enable JavaScript? It varies from browser to browser.

About 98% of web users have JavaScript enabled, and JavaScript is enabled on all current web browsers by default. New puzzles cannot be created and existing puzzles will not display with JavaScript turned off. My Word Search uses JavaScript to generate your puzzle grid and arrange the clues when creating or solving a puzzle. Most websites use some amount of JavaScript to give you a better experience. What Is JavaScript? JavaScript is the computer language that web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari use to make changes to webpages based on what you click on, as well as allowing fancy animations. JavaScript is currently disabled on your browser. ALERT: JavaScript is required to display or create puzzles properly on My Word Search.